[解説]調 文明/笠間 悠貴
タイトルの「愛しのユーカ」に誘われて、画面のなかにユーカを探す。しかし、頁をめくるたびに、ユーカは別人となって現れる。畳の間で扇子を広げるユーカ、カーペットの上でスカートのドレープを円形にして座るユーカ、所在無げにソファの上に身を投げ出すユーカ、バッファローの角の置物を大事そうに抱えるユーカたち……。この彼女がユーカなのか、それともあの彼女がユーカなのか、いったいどの彼女がユーカなのか。答えを出そうにも、写真はなにも語ってくれない。あるのはただ複数のユーカがそこにいるだけだ。…(中略)…Youca とはだれかと聞いても、おそらくは不毛であろう。「Youca とはなにか」、これがすべての出発点となる。(調文明)
…写真家高橋和海がこの度発表する女性達の肖像写真『I love Youca』は、まるでその反響のように遅れてやってくる。1986年から1993年にかけて撮影された写真に写る、バブル期のファッションに身を着飾った女性が科を作ってこちらを見返すさまに、一瞬たじろぐような感覚を覚える。それは、ジェンダーへの意識を内在化した現在の視点から見て、明らかな後ろめたさを感じながら、撮る者と撮られる者の痛快な共犯関係に驚かされるからである。写真は古くなるだけ面白くなるとはよく言うが、まさに30年を隔ててやってきたこの写真の屈託ない制作方法と、今となっては奇妙ともいえる風物の数々に、つい虚を突かれて解顔してしまうことになる。…(中略)…今この女性達の写真を敢えて出版することの意義はおそらく、写真を撮影する動機に拭いがたく存在している他者への好奇な視線を確認することだろう。好奇な視線はときに人を傷つけ抑圧しもするが、一方で他者を理解するための動機になり得ることは否定しがたい。この遅れて届いた写真は、重なる遠くからのアナウンスのように、他者への想像力の欠如に対して多元的に警告を発している。(笠間悠貴)
● 髙橋 和海
1963年、横須賀生まれ。1989年東京綜合写真専門学校卒業、1991年同校研究科卒業。主な個展に「High Tide Wane Moon」(2008年、Charles A. Hartman Fine Art)、「ムーンスケープ」(2008年、Blitz Gallery)等。
Introductory essay: Bunmei Shirabe, Yuki Kasama
Publication date: 15 Oct. 2021
Format: Paperback
Size: 220×250 mm
Pages: 96 pages
ISBN: 978-4-908188-11-4
I look for Youca in the photographs because that is what the title, I Love Youca, invites me to do. But on every new page, she appears as a different person. There is Youca holding an open fan in a tatami room; Youca sitting on a carpeted floor, her pleated skirt arranged in a circle around her; a bored-looking Youca sprawled on a sofa; a couple of Youcas solemnly clutching a set of ornamental buffalo horns .... Is this one Youca? Or is she that one? Which of all these many different women is Youca? When it comes to answering that question, the photographs tell us nothing: there are multiple Youcas-and that is all. [...] There is no point in asking "Who is Youca?" Instead we should ask, "What is Youka?" That is the starting point for everything. -Bunmei Shirabe
I Love Youca, the book of portrait photographs that Kazuumi Takahashi is now publishing, comes to us with a delay, not unlike that echo. One's first instinct when looking at the photographs- which were shot between 1986 and 1993 and feature women decked out in the fashions of the bubble economy and gazing at the viewer- is to recoil. That is because we look at them with a present-day perspective of having internalized gender consciousness: we feel a distinct sense of guilt, while also being startled by the piquancy of the complicity between photographer and photographed. It is often said that photographs become more interesting simply by virtue of getting old. That is certainly true for these works, which have suddenly turned up after an interval of thirty years. But it is hard not to smile at the happy-go-lucky way they were made and the many ephemeral elements which now strike us as odd. [...] What is the significance of publishing the photographs of these women at this stage? I believe it serves to confirm that the curious gaze directed toward others exists as an ineradicable motive for taking photographs. The curious gaze can sometimes be harmful and oppressive to others; at the same time, it can undeniably motivate us to understand other people. These photographs, which have come to us after a delay like a distant, garbled public announcement, provide a multivalent warning against any failure of the imagination with regard
to other people. -Yuki Kasama
Born in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1963, he graduated from the Tokyo College of Photography in 1989 and then the college's graduate program in 1991. His solo exhibitions include "High Tide Wane Moon" (Charles A. Hartman Fine Art, 2008) and "Moonscape" (Blitz Gallery, 2008).
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