[解説]飯沢 耕太郎
いい写真は既視感(déjà-vu)を引き出すというのが僕の持論だ。はじめて見た光景、会ったこともない人物が写っているのに、どこかで経験した出来事であるように思えてくるのだ。写真を撮影するということは、写真家の個人的な営みであるにもかかわらず、そこに写し出された眺めは、多くの人たちの共通のイメージのアーカイブの中に組み込まれていく。(中略)『Les Ruelles de Daegu』のシリーズには、写真と夢とをつなぐ通路が写り込んでいるようにも見える。…(飯沢 耕太郎)
● David OHYAMA
1973年、韓国・ソウル生まれ。3才までアメリカ・ニューヨークで過ごした後、来日。小学校と高校を日本で、中学と大学をアメリカで学ぶ。(Andrews University から現Golf Academy of America へ編入、卒業)日本に帰国後、東京綜合写真専門学校および同校研究科卒業。現在、日本とアメリカ、韓国を中心に活動中。
Introductory essay: Kotaro Iizawa
Publication date: 25 May. 2016
Format: Paperback
Size: 282×300 mm
Pages: 80 pages
ISBN: 978-4-908188-05-3
[...] I once took a business trip to Daegu, Korea -where Ohyama shot these photographs -but of course I never stepped into any of the back alleys depicted here. And yet, even though I am encountering these locations for the first time through the photos, there is a sense of nostalgia. [...]
My own pet theory is that a good photograph conjures a sense of deja-vu. Even though it depicts a view you are seeing for the first time, or a person you have never met, it still somehow leaves you feeling as if you have experienced it before. Although taking a photograph is an individual act by a photographer, the view that is captured becomes part of an archive of images shared by many. [...] The Les Ruelles de Daegu series seems to depict passageways between photographs and dreams. [...] -Kotaro Iizawa
● David OHYAMA
Born in Seoul, Korea in 1973, Ohyama moved to Japan after living in New York through the age of three. He attended elementary and high school in Japan, but middle school and university in the United States (transferring from Andrews University to graduate from what is now Golf Academy of America). After returning to Japan, he graduated from the Tokyo College of Photography and then the college's graduate program. Currently his activities are centered on Japan, the United States, and Korea.
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