[共同出版]AG+ Gallery・東京綜合写真専門学校出版局
● 渡辺 兼人
1947年、東京に生まれる。1969年に東京綜合写真専門学校を卒業、その後現在に至るまでコンスタントに写真を発表している。1982年に写真集『既視の街』(金井美恵子との共著)および個展「既視の街」により第7回木村伊兵衛写真賞を受賞。「逆倒都市」(1982年、ツァイト・フォト・サロン)、「渡辺兼人 写真展」(2003年、何必館・京都現代美術館)、「雨の営み」(2008年、巷房)、「声」(2020年、IG Photo Gallery)など個展多数。
Introductory essay: Kenji Takazawa
Publication date: 30 Oct. 2015
Format: Hardback
Size: 250×320 mm
Pages: 144 pages
ISBN: 978-4-908188-01-5
Kishi no Machi [Streets Already Seen] is a series of photographs taken from 1973 to 1980. First published by Shinchosha in 1980 as a collaboration incorporating fiction by Mieko Kanai, [...] Watanabe held a solo exhibition of his photography under the same name at Nikon Salon the following year. Both the book and the exhibition were well received, and Watanabe was presented with the 7th Kimura Ihei Award.
Based on the original book and the Streets Already Seen exhibition, this book is made up of newly selected images drawn from the negatives that remain in Watanabe's possession. I am responsible for the composition, having reviewed contact prints made from all of the negatives. It is unfortunate that four of the 53 prints contained in the 1980 book could not be included because their negatives no longer exist, but the addition of photographs that were not included then and have not previously been released makes this volume the current definitive edition. [...] -Kenji Takazawa
● Kanendo WATANABE
Born in Tokyo in 1947, he graduated from the Tokyo College of Photography in 1969 and has been showing his photographs consistently ever since. In 1982, he received the 7th Kimura Ihei Award for the photo book "Kishi no machi" [Streets Already Seen] (co-authored with Mieko Kanai) and his solo exhibition Kishi no Machi [Streets Already Seen]. He has had many solo exhibitions, including "Sakasa toshi" [Upside-down City] (1982, Zeit Photo Salon, Tokyo), "Watanabe Kanendo shashinten" [Kanendo Watanabe Photography Exhibition] (2003, Kahitsukan Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyoto), "Ame no itonami" [The Workings of Rain] (2008, Kobo, Tokyo), and "Koe" [Voices] (2020, IG Photo Gallery, Tokyo).
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